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And Ctrip is riding the tourist wave. It is now one of the largest online travel companies in the world in terms of market capitalization — almost $25 billion on the Nasdaq Stock Market — second only to It employs some 30,000 people and reported revenues of around $4 billion last year, compared to $64 million a decade ago. In this thriving mechanism, Qian is a key figure, helping destinations around the world market themselves to Chinese tourists. But when referring to the Chinese tourist boom, Qian goes for the understatement, simply saying that no one can ignore the Chinese market today due to its size. While China’s status as the most populous country in the world cannot be discounted, there are two other factors that play a major part. The first is the rise of a strong middle class — estimated to count 400 million people by 2020 — for which a trip abroad has become a status symbol. The second is more-relaxed regulations regarding tourism: In 2000, only 10.5 million trips across the border were recorded, according to China’s national tourism administration, and most of those were either in some official capacity or family visitations approved by the government. In the past, Chinese tourists could only visit 10 approved countries. The change started in the middle of the previous decade, and today Chinese tourists can — and do — fly all over the globe. A 2017 Chinese tourism Survey issued jointly by Nielsen and Alipay showed that respondents planned to visit on average 2.7 locations outside the country in 2018.
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