How to process natural rubber sheet
How to process natural rubber sheet Rubber is very important materials for this modern civilization. In Bangladesh several areas there are producing natural rubber, there planting rubber tree and processing raw rubber. This is the video from Khagrachori rubber processing factory. Rubber Industry has emerged as a growing sector in Bangladesh following the massive rubber plantation in the eastern and north-eastern hilly regions. The land of these regions is least fertile, but more suitable for rubber and tea plantation and afforestation than the growing of regular crops. However, rubber plantation is more profitable than afforestation and tea plantation in terms of optimum utilisation of land, higher employment generation, less investment of foreign currency and better environment management. The average life of a rubber plant is generally 32 to 34 years. On the expiry of the period the old trees are replaced by new plantation. Every tree gives 5 to 8 cubic feet of timber. There is no authentic data on total production and consumption of natural rubber and the number of rubber-based industrial plants established in the country so far. Nearly 400 small and medium scale factories were set up in private sector with the increase of production and demand of rubber. These plants are producing tyre-tube of rickshaws and other light vehicles, shoes, foot wears, pipe, bucket, gasket, oil seal, auto mobile parts, jute and textile spares etc using the locally extracted rubber as raw material. Meanwhile, a high-tech latex (rubber) concentrated plant has been established by a private entrepreneur at Chakoria in Cox's Lazar district. Keyword processes natural rubber sheet, natural rubber, Rubber, rubber tree, important materials, modern civilization, raw rubber, rubber processing factory, Rubber Industry, rubber juice, Use of rubber, Khagrachori rubber processing factory, Follow me : Face book - http://wow.face book.Dom/rakib.Nazi twitter - http://twitter.Dom/lalonpalon linked in http://wow.linked in.Dom/in/rakib-kaz... clog - http://wow.flogger.Dom/flogger.g? lo... http://raj6100.blobgspot.Dom/ Hope you enjoyed this video; if you like this video then share this with your friends and please subscribe my channel for more video and new information.

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