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The Prime Minister will then be dismissed and MPs must vote on a new candidate. Sweden election 2018: Leader of Sweden Democrats, Jimmie Akesson is not likely to be Sweden's new PM (Image: GETTY) Who will win this year’s election is anyone's guess at the moment. Recent polls have shown huge variety in who’s topping the polls, but consistently shows the Social Democrats, the Sweden Democrats and the Moderate party as the country’s three largest parties. Yesterdat a poll conducted by Inizio for Aftonbladet showed the two main coalitions led by Stefan Löfven and Ulf Kristersson are only divided by 1.3 percentage points. Sweden election 2018: Stefan Löfven has been Prime Minister in Sweden since 2014 (Image: GETTY) However, more than three times as many, 4.3 percent or around 265,000 voters, had still not decided which party to vote for last night. According to the poll, it will be up to some 265,000 voters to decide who wins. It is also not certain that the coalition receiving most of the votes will get enough mandates to form Government - that will depend on the other parties. For example, the Social Democrats have said they are interested in collaborating with the Centre party, who are currently members of the Alliance. Since the 2014 election, the Sweden Democrats has doubled their support and one poll, conducted by YouGov for Metro newspaper, show the right-wingers in first place. Sweden election 2018: Ulf Kristersson may be Sweden's new Prime Minister (Image: GETTY) However, the way the political system in Sweden works is through proportional representation and puts multiple parties in Government through coalitions and alliances. This means that although Jimmie Åkesson and the Sweden Democrats receive most of the votes, they won’t be able to form Government unless they get support from other parties.
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Farmers are working around the clock to harvest their rice paddies. They say the rice is still not ripe, but want to salvage what they can before this storm comes in and potentially devastates their fields. Image caption Residents are attempting to secure the roofs of their homes in preparation for the super typhoon Authorities have told people to move on, and there is an evacuation centre just 500m down the road. Some cars, seen with bedding on the roof, are leaving the area, but some people say they want to stay inside their homes to prevent thieves entering and taking their belongings. Others have been tying down their roofs with rocks and heavy boulders, in an attempt to prevent them from flying off. Given everything I have seen, it's somewhat alarming that there isn't a bigger presence of police and local authorities telling people to move on. People seem to be very relaxed with the idea that a super typhoon is coming their way. The country's deadliest storm on record is super typhoon Haiyan, which killed more than 7,000 people and affected millions in 2013. In Hong Kong preparations are already under way for the storm, though the latest forecasts suggest Mangkhut will pass to the south of the territory later in the weekend. Image caption Typhoon Mangkhut is about 900km wide Are you in the area?

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