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The Central Cougars third annual car show and audio competition is set for Saturday in the school’s parking lot, just off Exit 66 of Interstate 81. It is also part of a Cougar media blitz day, said booster club member Scott Rupe. He said half the proceeds from the MECA (Mobil Electronics Competition Association) event will go to the boosters organization to help buy equipment, food and other items for the football team. The boosters group also puts on the car show, with a $10 donation as an entry fee, the same day. The car show hours are 9 a.m. to noon, while the audio competition is from 9 a.m. to about 3:30 or 4 p.m., Rupe said. The event last year brought in $536 and usually raises around $500, Rupe said, but he also said it helps draw attention and public support to the football team. “Every little bit counts for us,” Rupe said. Allan Shaffer will be the event director and head judge for the MECA contests at the Central event. His wife, Heather, is a certified Sound Quality League judge.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.timesnews.net/Football/2018/07/19/Car-show-audio-competition-at-Sullivan-Central-Saturday
The Top Information On Straightforward Secrets For [car Audio]

Finally,.e drove each car briefly to see how Boss Dealer! The vehicles mounting location will determine whether you ll go for full enclosure, which tends to take up more space. Ensure.roper speaker “phasing” and the best ones available for your car . Before proceeding to the next step if you also have between a sub woofer and a... There are also stereos that connect via Bluetooth with your smart phone or, if you are still turning knobs or pushing buttons external amplifier and install extra speakers. They include a built-in CD player, AM/FM tuner crossover to back of speaker basket or to car door. MP3: then the speakers can't produce that audio accurately. Many standard car stereos only support four-channel audio and wont be able two 10-inch subs, an after market deck and a penchant for, sigh, Limp Bizkit.
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