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For the week of October 17-23, CNN attracted an average audience among adults aged 25-54 of 360,000 viewers in total day. The network also was #1 in the demo in primetime, bringing in an average audience of 813K viewers. And when looking at just Monday Friday primetime, CNN was still on top, averaging just over a million viewers in the demo. In comparison, Fox News was just behind in the total day numbers at 345,000, with MSNBC coming in third at 243K. Fox News also finished second in the demo in primetime and M-F primetime. As far as total viewers, CNN finished second to Fox News in total day, primetime and M-F, with MSNBC coming in at third in all three areas. This shows an improvement for CNN over the third quarter , where MSNBC beat CNN in primetime viewership (though CNN was triumphant in total day and the 25-54 demo). CNN leading in the demo for four straight weeks represents a major milestone for the cable news network. This is the first time in 15 years CNN has done this. The last time they led this many weeks in a row they were still the big dog in the cable news landscape.
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"All the revolutionary factions, without exception, are participating in the battle," the military spokesman for the Fastaqim faction inside the city said, AP news agency reports. They include Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, as well as fellow Islamists Ahrar al-Sham. Image copyright AP Image caption Rebels are using vehicle-borne explosives against government positions Image copyright AFP Image caption Some of the rebels are using home-made weapons Image copyright AFP/getty Image caption Eastern Aleppo has been under a government siege for months Rebels fired Grad missiles at al-Nayrab airport, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) monitoring group said. Up to 115 people were killed or wounded, it added. They also detonated two car bombs against government positions to the south-west of the city. The BBC understands that parts of south-western Aleppo have been captured by a group from outside the city. However, the Syrian government said it had repelled offensives on several fronts around Aleppo by both rebel groups and militants from so-called Islamic State (IS). "Booby-trapped cars, two tanks and a large number of armoured vehicles" were destroyed, the defence ministry said on its website. The area around the Hmeimim air base near the coastal city of Latakia - the main airport used by the Russian air force - was also reportedly targeted by rebels, the SOHR said. The rebel offensive came as Syria's foreign minister Walid Muallem met his Russian and Iranian counterparts, Sergei Lavrov and Mohammad Javad Zarif, in Moscow.

For example, if income of a person in $10,000. So did Palmetto BA break the Medicare payment system? That said, its not uncommon to see false news reports about the crime in Ecuador since other countries have much to gain money and visitors from deterring people from visiting. Their arrogance reaches a sickening level. Royalty free means a limited royalty free license which allows you to use images for most personal, educational and non-profit applications. These public humiliations make us feel that perhaps our lives are more successful than we take credit for. Once youve released your gaseous fumes but know that theres a certain Act Number Two to follow, its time to start plotting your course of action. Create and publish a wide range of projects and use clip art as your inspiration. Offers you flexibility to watch TV while you work The satellite TV on PC will offer you flexibility to continue working while you catch on your favourite TV show. Divide and defeat is the tactics they use on “We the People” so use it back on them.
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